Monday, January 03, 2005

More blogs please :)

Hi folks,

Perhaps you have seen a ModDem post on another blog and you want to contact (or flame?) me directly?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:58 PM  
Blogger joseph said...

Thank you, Blogger makes it pretty effortless though.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, go to's super easy, free and commenting's way easier....anyway. If I think of something particularly interesting to annoy you with I'll be back :)

3:27 PM  
Blogger joseph said...

Thank you for your kind advice I may do that someday. So far I haven't found any problems with this that need solving.

Since the purpose of this blog is just to have a place where folks can "take it outside" with me, I'm not expecting to have lots of traffic.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh come on Mod....give us some words. I promise to have you up to a few thousand hits within a month.

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best bet....make it controversial, and mention several large sites.

4:23 PM  
Blogger joseph said...

Thanks for the kind offer NeonKnight. :) This site merely to take all the off topic discussions in which I find myself engaged away from places where it doesn't belong, and also to give folks a way to contact me where I won't miss it.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Mike O said...

Nice to see a site for you. Be glad to put a link to yours on mine as 'The Rational Opposition' :))

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the purpose of this blog is just to have a place where folks can "take it outside" with me,..

Good idea you had.
I have an idea for someone,anyone,running for public office and would appreciate you thoughts on it.
No taxing overtime.That would be hourly workers.Not taxing any time worked after forty hours a week.This would put money directly in the pockets of people in need to help pay thier bills and also help generate demand in the economy.IMHO.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any tax cut is good for the economy.

2:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why not tax ANY Work based income? Why not tax consumption? I know this scares the heck out of people but c'mon, what would be more fair than that?

6:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, here's another idea:

1. Citizens pay NO FEDERAL TAXES. States are the entities that pay FEDERAL TAX.

2. States tax citizens (income tax/property tax/consumption tax, whatever...).

I know, I can think of several questions/issues...but there's a starting point for discussion.

6:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's another nugget of joy to ponder....and yes, I'm diving into the 'big bad mama' - Israel/Palestinian issue. A couple of posts I did on ITM regarding it...sorry for the bad spelling/gammar:

Well Bubba, you may be right that there was no official nation called Palestine, but the region itself was called Palestine by many different historical groups (Romans, Byzantines, Egyptians, etc). But again, I can't find anything relating to a 'King of Palestine' or the Nation of Palestine...looking at all kinds of sites. Some old stuff I've found even says stuff like 'Israel was IN Palestine', which implies Palestine as a Saudi Arabia is IN the Middle East.

(Not trying to piss anyone off! Just trying to get the facts folks)

Couple of interesting links... NOT vouching for historical accuracy:

Palestine HistoryChronology of Palestinian HistoryPalestine OverviewPalestine in HistoryAha! Here's something interesting:
Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State!taken from History of Israel and "Palestine"AND MORE:

Another interesting link(sigh) Aint much out there that can be considered objective - how do you Historians deal with this?


hmmm a couple of more posts...focusing on Jordan now...curioser and curioser:

Jordan HistoryJordan:HistoryAND FINALLY:

Ok, just did a cursory check and this is what it looks like from just a brief check (using 'both' sides as background).

Palestine is the entire region. The 'ancient' Israeli kingdom was there (off and on - a lot of conquering and re-conquering going on back then eh). One Muslim power or another seems to have ruled the area most of the time since their coming on the scene...but there doesn't seem to be a 'Kingdom or Nation called Palestine. This seems to signify the entire region.

Post WW1, Britain was in control of 'Palestine' and France had Syria and Lebanon (whole region controlled by the Ottoman empire prior to this). Trans-Jordan (everything east of the Jordan river) was partitioned off and Hebrews were only allowed to settle to the west of the Jordan river....Trans-Jordan was renamed Jordan at some point....

Again, I know this is all arguable, but isn't Jordan a (the?) real Palestinian state???

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having states pay the Federal tax. The states can collect the money anyway the local folks decide upon..

Only real problem with that is that it takes the pressure off of Federal officials, since they are not responsible for setting tax levels, they will just spend and spend and spend, and leave the local 'crats to take the heat for the increased taxation.

3:43 PM  
Blogger joseph said...

Only real problem with that is that it takes the pressure off of Federal officialsWell I wouldn't presume it was the only real problem...

This is essentially the opposite of today's model where the Fed collects most of the money and reapportions it back to the states. What you propose instead is called the confederate model. As I recall, the last time this idea gained any real steam it seems there was some unpleasentness... ;)

Some have postulated that there is a way to get to a confederate government with a bit less violence, and that GWB is proceeding with that plan. The idea is to destroy the US Dollar by devaluing it below its support levels causing the currency to fail similar to what occurred in the USSR.

This would effectively dissolve the fed and bring us to what you propose as a better system with the states governing us independantly. The confederation would then combine for only those purposes in which it was necessary to do so and opting out of such alliances would be possible.

I am not at all convinced that the end result is likely to be a better one than what we have today, and I am also not convinced that this is an ethical means to accomplish it, but potentially it could be.

9:40 AM  
Blogger joseph said...


In regards to your palestinian post on how to achieve peace, I came across this in the WSJ via Rummel's blog Democratic Peace: Whether the election of Abu Mazen will be a turning point in the search for peace depends critically on whether the Free World, led by the U.S., is prepared to link its policies toward his new government to the degree of freedom the Palestinian Authority affords its own citizens.

7:18 PM  

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